packages = [ "numpy", "matplotlib" ]
 Ideal Gas Simulation

            Initial Radius
  Grid Width                

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import asyncio import random import math import js import ctypes from js import document from pyscript import Element # Initialize variables for animation animating = False collisions_off = False walls_off = False sp_plot = False en_plot = False async_flag = True paused = True wide, high = 500, 500 t, dt = 0, 1 tmax = 400 n = 100 r_init = 50 precision = 10 gridwidth = 100 sp_plots = 10 en_plots = 10 plot_int = 1 # Setup def do_set(): global paused if paused: initialize_parameters() initialize_pos_vel() clear_dots() clear_plot_1() clear_plot_rest() add_circles() # Run the animation def do_run(): global paused, animating, async_flag if paused: animating = True paused = False animate(t) if async_flag: async_flag = False asyncio.ensure_future(main()) # Pause the animation def do_pause(): global animating, paused if animating: animating = False paused = True # Reverse the velocity direction of each dot def do_reverse(): global n, paused, animating, vel if paused: for i in range(n): vel[i] *= -1 animating = True paused = False animate(t) def initialize_parameters(): global n, t, tmax, time global pos, vel, precision, r_init, r_space, imax global step, coll, wall, animating, grid_side, gridwidth, spacing, dot_size global collisions_off, walls_off, results, speed global sp_plot, en_plot, sp_plots, en_plots, plot_int global wide, high, large_grid, paused global c_energy, d_energy, c_micro, d_micro, s_micro global c_level, d_level, s_alloc # Set container dimensions to match program constants document.getElementById("cont").style.width=wide document.getElementById("cont").style.height=high # Get the input value of n try: n = int(document.getElementById("numberMolecules").value ) except Exception as e: print("A number should be entered:", e) # Get the maximum time steps try: tmax = int(document.getElementById("numberTimeSteps").value ) except Exception as e: print("A number should be entered:", e) # Get the energy precision (precision) try: precision = int(document.getElementById("Precision").value ) except Exception as e: print("A number should be entered:", e) if precision == 0: precision = 1 # Get the initial radius (r_init) try: r_init = int(document.getElementById("Radius").value ) except Exception as e: print("A number should be entered:", e) if r_init > wide/2: r_init = wide/2 # Calculate the space bands imax = int(((wide/2) / r_init)**2 + 1) r_space = np.zeros((imax, 2)) for i in range(imax): r_space[i, 0] = math.sqrt(i)*r_init # Set the grid size grid_side = int(math.sqrt(n)) n = int(grid_side **2) large_grid = False try: gridwidth = int(document.getElementById("gridwidth").value ) except Exception as e: print("A number should be entered:", e) if gridwidth <= 1: gridwidth = 1 elif gridwidth >= wide: gridwidth = wide spacing = gridwidth / grid_side if (document.getElementById("largeGrid").checked): spacing = wide / grid_side large_grid = True else: large_grid = False show_message1('') t = 0 step = 0 coll = 0 wall = 0 animating = True paused = True pos = np.ones((n, 2)) vel = np.zeros((n, 2)) time = np.zeros(tmax) s_micro = np.zeros((tmax, imax)) s_alloc = np.zeros((tmax, imax-1)) c_energy = np.ones(n) d_energy = np.ones(n) c_micro = np.ones((tmax, n)) d_micro = np.zeros((tmax, n)) c_level = np.zeros(tmax) d_level = np.zeros(tmax) # Set the dot size based on the checkbox selection dot_size = math.sqrt((0.1 * wide)**2 / n) if plot_int < 1: plot_int = 1 plt.close() # AVW clear_plot_1() # AVW clear_plot_rest() # AVW # Set collisions OFF on the checkbox selection if (document.getElementById("collisionsOff").checked): collisions_off = True else: collisions_off = False # Set walls OFF based on the checkbox selection if (document.getElementById("wallsOff").checked): walls_off = True else: walls_off = False # Select the mode based on the radio button selection en_plot = False sp_plot = False if (document.getElementById("gas").checked): en_plot = False sp_plot = False elif(document.getElementById("energy").checked): en_plot = True else: sp_plot = True # Set microstate plot interval if sp_plot: plot_int = round(tmax / sp_plots) elif en_plot: plot_int = round(tmax / en_plots) if plot_int < 1: plot_int = 1 # Set results based on the checkbox selection if (document.getElementById("results").checked): results = True else: results = False do_pause() # Initialize position and velocity def initialize_pos_vel(): global grid_side, pos, spacing, high, wide, vel k = 0 for i in range(grid_side): for j in range(grid_side): pos[k,0] = float(i * spacing) + (spacing / 2) + (wide - grid_side * spacing)/ 2 pos[k,1] = float(j * spacing*(high/wide)) + (spacing*(high/wide) / 2) + (high - grid_side * spacing)/ 2 angle = random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi) vel[k] = (np.array((np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)))) k = k + 1 # Add the dots def add_circles(): global n container = document.getElementById("cont") # a container for the circles k = 0 for i in range(grid_side): for j in range(grid_side): circle=document.createElementNS("", "circle") idstr = "cir"+str(k) # make the id a function k circle.setAttribute( "id", idstr) # set the id xloc = pos[k,0] # initial x location circle.setAttribute( "cx", xloc) yloc = pos[k,1] # initial y location circle.setAttribute( "cy", yloc) circle.setAttribute( "r", dot_size / 2) # set the radius circle.setAttribute( "fill", "blue") # try a different color circle.setAttribute( "value", 1) # create a value attribute container.appendChild(circle) # add to container k += 1 # k= 0, ... n-1 # Loop through time generating microstates def animate(t): global speed, tmax, paused, async_flag if not animating: return # Set speed to the slider value speed = int(document.getElementById("animation_speed").value) update_microstates(t) do_collisions_walls(t) if sp_plot or en_plot: plot_t_charts(t) if t == (tmax - 1): plot_charts(t) show_messages() paused = True async_flag = True # Update microstates def update_microstates(t): global n, tmax, time, speed, dt, wide, high global pos, vel, precision, r_space, s_micro global c_energy, d_energy, c_micro, d_micro # Save the time if t < tmax: time[t] = t else: return pos += speed * vel * dt # Move the dots # Draw the dots draw_dots() # Calculate the spatial microstates r_space[:, 1] = 0 for i in range(n): radius = math.sqrt((pos[i, 0] - wide/2)**2 + (pos[i, 1] - high/2)**2) jrange = len(r_space) - 1 for j in range(jrange): if radius >= r_space[j, 0] and radius < r_space[j+1, 0]: r_space[j, 1] += 1 s_micro[t] = r_space[:, 1] # Calculate the energy microstates for i in range(n): c_energy[i] = precision*(vel[i, 0]**2 + vel[i, 1]**2) # Continuous energy d_energy[i] = round(precision*(vel[i, 0]**2 + vel[i, 1]**2), 0) # Discrete energy c_micro[t] = c_energy # Microstate is energy configuration d_micro[t] = d_energy # Microstate is energy configuration # Calculate collions with molecules and walls def do_collisions_walls(t): global n, dt, random_numbers, dot_size, step, coll, wall, pos, vel global speed, collisions_off, walls_off, precision global c_energy, d_energy, c_micro, d_micro, c_micro_t, d_micro_t global c_level, d_level, s_micro, s_micro_t, s_alloc step += 1 for i in range(n): # Do Collisions if collisions_off == False: for j in range(n): if i != j: distance = ((pos[i, 0] - pos[j, 0])**2 + (pos[i, 1] - pos[j, 1])**2)**0.5 # Molecular collisions if distance <= dot_size: coll += 1 pos_i, vel_i = pos[i], vel[i] pos_j, vel_j = pos[j], vel[j] rel_pos, rel_vel = pos_i - pos_j, vel_i - vel_j r_rel = rel_pos @ rel_pos v_rel = rel_vel @ rel_pos v_rel = 2 * rel_pos * v_rel / r_rel - rel_vel v_cm = (vel_i + vel_j) / 2 vel_i = v_cm - v_rel/2 vel_j = v_cm + v_rel/2 vel[i] = vel_i vel[j] = vel_j pos[i] += speed * vel[i] * dt pos[j] += speed * vel[j] * dt # Wall collisions if walls_off == False: # Bounce off walls if pos[i, 0] <= dot_size or pos[i, 0] >= 500 - dot_size: wall += 1 vel[i, 0] *= -1 pos[i] += speed * vel[i] * dt if pos[i, 1] <= dot_size or pos[i, 1] >= 500 - dot_size: wall += 1 vel[i, 1] *= -1 pos[i] += speed * vel[i] * dt # Discrete space s_micro_t = s_micro[t] s_micro_t = s_micro_t[:-1] s_alloc[t] = s_micro_t / sum(s_micro_t) # Discrete energy d_micro_t = d_micro[t] lev_count = np.zeros(n*precision) for i in range(n*precision): for item in d_micro_t: if item == i: lev_count[i] += 1 M = 0 for item in lev_count: if item != 0: M += 1 d_level[t] = M # Continuous energy c_micro_t = c_micro[t] ones_count = 0 for item in c_micro_t: if item == precision: ones_count += 1 M = n - ones_count if M < n: M = M + 1 c_level[t] = M # Draw the dots def draw_dots(): global n, pos for i in range(n): idstr = "cir"+str(i) circle = document.getElementById(idstr) xloc = pos[i,0] # update x location circle.setAttribute( "cx", xloc) yloc = pos[i,1] # update y location circle.setAttribute( "cy", yloc) circle.setAttribute( "value", i) # update value # Clear the dots def clear_dots(): container = document.getElementById("cont") while (container.hasChildNodes()): container.removeChild(container.firstChild) # Clear plot_1 def clear_plot_1(): container = document.getElementById("plot_1") while (container.hasChildNodes()): container.removeChild(container.firstChild) # Clear rest of plots def clear_plot_rest(): container = document.getElementById("plot_2") while (container.hasChildNodes()): container.removeChild(container.firstChild) container = document.getElementById("plot_3") while (container.hasChildNodes()): container.removeChild(container.firstChild) container = document.getElementById("plot_4") while (container.hasChildNodes()): container.removeChild(container.firstChild) # Plot charts def plot_charts(t): global n, coll, speed, tmax, time global pos, vel, precision, r_init, imax global c_micro, d_micro, c_micro_t, d_micro_t, s_micro, s_micro_t global c_level, d_level, s_alloc global message1, message2 message1 = 'Molecules: ' + str(n) + ' Molecular Collisions: ' + str(coll) + ' Wall Collisions: ' + str(wall) + ' Speed: ' + str(speed) message2 = 'Number of Time Steps: ' + str(tmax) + ' Energy Precision: ' + str(precision) + ' Initial Radius: ' + str(r_init) plt.close() # AVW clear_plot_1() # AVW clear_plot_rest() # AVW if en_plot or en_plot == sp_plot: fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(9, 3)) unique_rows, row_counts = np.unique(d_micro_t, axis=0, return_counts=True) d_micro_t = np.column_stack((unique_rows, row_counts)) last_rec = int(d_micro_t[len(d_micro_t)-1, 0]) array = np.zeros((last_rec+1, 2)) for i in range(last_rec+1): array[i, 0] = i k = 0 for i in range(last_rec+1): j = i - k if array[i, 0] == d_micro_t[j, 0]: array[i, 1] = d_micro_t[j, 1] else: k += 1 array[:, 0] = array[:, 0] / precision # Observed energy, comment out for Discrete actual # Plot discrete energy distribution axes[0].bar(array[:, 0], array[:, 1], width = .08, align = 'edge') axes[0].set_title('Observed Occupation Numbers n='+str(n)+' c='+str(precision)) axes[0].set_xlabel('Observed Energy Level') axes[0].set_ylabel('Occupation Number') axes[0].set_xlim(0, max(array[:, 0]) + 0.8) axes[0].set_ylim(0, max(d_micro_t[:, 1])+1) unique_rows, row_counts = np.unique(c_micro_t, axis=0, return_counts=True) c_micro_t = np.column_stack((unique_rows, row_counts)) c_micro_t[:, 0] =c_micro_t[:, 0] / precision # Observed energy, comment out for Discrete actual axes[1].bar(c_micro_t[:, 0], c_micro_t[:, 1], width = .08, align = 'edge') axes[1].set_title('Theoretical Occupation Numbers n='+str(n)) axes[1].set_xlabel('Exact Energy Level') axes[1].set_ylabel('Occupation Number') axes[1].set_xlim(0, max(array[:, 0]) + 0.8) axes[1].set_ylim(0, max(d_micro_t[:, 1])+1) # Show figures 1a and 1b plt.subplots_adjust(left= .075, right= .965, top=.90, bottom=.15) display(fig, target="plot_1") fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(9, 3)) # Plot discrete energy levels en_time = time[:tmax-1] d_level = d_level[:tmax-1] axes[0].plot(en_time, d_level) axes[0].set_title('Observed Energy Levels n='+str(n)+' c='+str(precision)) axes[0].set_xlabel('Number of Time Steps') axes[0].set_ylabel('Number of Observable Energy Levels') axes[0].set_ylim(0, max(c_level)+1) # Plot continuous energy levels c_level = c_level[:tmax-1] axes[1].plot(en_time, c_level, 'green') axes[1].set_title('Theoretical Energy Levels n='+str(n)) axes[1].set_xlabel('Number of Time Steps') axes[1].set_ylabel('Number of Theoretical Energy Levels') axes[1].set_ylim(0, max(c_level)+1) if results: print('Observed Energy Levels ', int(max(d_level))) print('Theoretical Energy Levels', int(max(c_level))) # Show figures 3a and 3b plt.subplots_adjust(left= .075, right= .965, top=.90, bottom=.15) display(fig, target="plot_2") fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(9, 3)) # Plot discrete microstate allocation d_micro = d_micro[:tmax-1] / (n*precision) axes[0].plot(en_time, d_micro) axes[0].set_title('Observed Energy Microstates n='+str(n)+' c='+str(precision)) axes[0].set_xlabel('Number of Time Steps') axes[0].set_ylabel('Molecular Energy Allocation') # Plot continous microstate allocation c_micro = c_micro[:tmax-1] / (n*precision) axes[1].plot(en_time, c_micro) axes[1].set_title('Theoretical Energy Microstates n='+str(n)) axes[1].set_xlabel('Number of Time Steps') axes[1].set_ylabel('Molecular Energy Allocation') if results: print('Max End Energy Allocation', round(max(d_micro_t[:, 1]), 4), round(max(c_micro_t[:, 1]), 4)) # Show figures 4a and 4b plt.subplots_adjust(left= .075, right= .965, top=.90, bottom=.15) display(fig, target="plot_3") if sp_plot or en_plot == sp_plot: fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(9, 3)) # Plot discrete spatial microstates row = np.zeros(imax-1) for i in range(imax-1): row[i] = i + 1 axes[0].bar(row, s_micro_t, color='brown') axes[0].set_title('Observed Occupation Numbers n='+str(n)+' r='+str(r_init)) axes[0].set_xlabel('Band Ranked by Radius') axes[0].set_ylabel('Occupation Number') axes[0].set_ylim(0, r_init*n/100) # Plot discrete spatial allocation axes[1].plot(time, s_alloc) axes[1].set_title('Observed Spatial Microstates n='+str(n)+' r='+str(r_init)) axes[1].set_xlabel('Number of Time Steps') axes[1].set_ylabel('Spatial Allocation of Molecules ') if results: print('Number of Spatial Bands ', int(imax-1)) print('Max Spatial Allocation ', round(100*max(s_alloc[:, imax-2]), 2), '% of Total') # Show figures 8a and 8b plt.subplots_adjust(left= .075, right= .965, top=.90, bottom=.15) display(fig, target="plot_4") if results: print() #Plot animated macrostate distributions def plot_t_charts(t): global n, precision, r_init, imax, sp_plot, en_plot, plot_int global s_micro_t, c_micro_t, d_micro_t document.getElementById("cont").style.width=0 # AVW document.getElementById("cont").style.height=0 # AVW if t > 0: if sp_plot: if t == 1 or t%plot_int == 0: plt.close() # AVW clear_plot_1() # AVW fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(9, 4)) # Plot spatial microstates plt.clf() row = np.zeros(imax-1) for i in range(imax-1): row[i] = i + 1, s_micro_t, color='brown') plt.title('Observed Occupation Numbers n='+str(n)+' r='+str(r_init)) plt.xlabel('Band Ranked by Radius') plt.ylabel('Occupation Number') plt.ylim(0, r_init*n/100+1) plt.subplots_adjust(left= .075, right= .965, top=.90, bottom=.15) display(fig, target="plot_1") elif en_plot: if t == 1 or t%plot_int == 0: plt.close() # AVW clear_plot_1() # AVW fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(9, 4)) unique_rows, row_counts = np.unique(d_micro_t, axis=0, return_counts=True) d_micro_t = np.column_stack((unique_rows, row_counts)) # Plot discrete energy distribution[:, 0], d_micro_t[:, 1]) plt.title('Observed Occupation Numbers n='+str(n)+' c='+str(precision)) plt.xlabel('Observed Energy Level') plt.ylabel('Occupation Number') # Show figure plt.subplots_adjust(left= .075, right= .965, top=.90, bottom=.15) display(fig, target="plot_1") def show_message1(m: str): myCell = Element("message1") myCell.write(m) def show_messages(): global message1, message2 message1 = message1 + '\r\n' + message2 show_message1(message1) # Function to start/continue the animation async def main(): global animating, step, coll, tmax, async_flag animating = True for t in range(tmax): animate(t) document.getElementById("Step").innerText = str(step); document.getElementById("Collision").innerText = str(coll); await asyncio.sleep(.001) # get all tasks tasks = asyncio.all_tasks() # cancel all tasks for task in tasks: task.cancel() async_flag = True